It's been a while since the past post and much has happened. Life has been busy traveling to different cities, and it's made the time fly by!
On the 10th of this month, I had my first train experience-- riding the overnight express to a city in the mountains for a weekend retreat. Being in the mountains was such a blessing! I really can't describe what it does for your soul when you can walk outside in jeans and a shirt and feel fine. Where I'm living, jeans are way too heavy and you couldn't pay me money to wear them. Aside from being the sickest I've been in a while, and having giardia to follow that, it was the most refreshing time I've had since being in country. The sickness, which I'm pretty positive was food poisoning (shouldn't have eaten the veggies!) only lasted 24 hours or so and giardia wasn't too bad. It also does something for my soul being in a room filled with people singing out to Jesus with all that they have. The corporate worship and solid teaching was indispensable. Thanks to all the peeps at ECBC!
After being home for about a day and half, enough time to wash clothes and repack, we hopped another overnight train to the city where we are now studying language. This has also been somewhat of a refreshing place to be. I will say it did take a few days to adjust to the 100+ degree temps, but there is so little humidity, which I think it makes it more bearable. And the power is out more here, but it kinda has a schedule (10-2 during the day). Things have been fine except for that one time the transformer or something blew up outside our window and we slept on the balcony... yeah, ask me about it sometime.
The people who actually live here might think I'm crazy, but I get the "small town" feel in this city of only 3 millionish people. People here seem to be a bit more friendly, and they are solely Hindi speakers which has done wonders when that is the language you are learning. I have been able to hang out with other American girls my own age and had a great time swimming in a pool where I didn't have to wear a swim cap!
Overall, I feel that the Lord has been good to me lately. I have felt a freedom that I have been lacking in previous months. I have been reading a book called "The Normal Christian Life" by Watchman Nee and highly recommend it to anyone. There is a chapter entitled "Holy Spirit" where he talks about the work of the Spirit and encourages a deeper reverence for Him in our lives. Nee says, "Do you know, my friends, that the Spirit within you is very God?...Oh that we might realize the vastness of the resources secreted in our own hearts! The Spirit who dwells within me is no mere influence, but a living Person; he is very God. The infinite God is within my heart!" (p.141) This is something I have been pondering and asking for fresh awakening to the fact that the very Spirit of God lives within me. It's really mind boggling when you think about it.
Lastly, I'll end with another quote I read tonight from the chapter on Walking in the Spirit. He says, "God will not give me humility or patience or holiness or love as separate gifts of his grace. He is not a retailer dispensing grace to us in packets, measuring out some patience to the impatient, some love to the unloving, some meekness to the proud, in quantities that we take and work on as a kind of capital. He has given only one gift to meet all our need: his Son Christ Jesus. As I look to him to live out his life in me, he will be humble and patient and loving and everything else I need-- in my stead."
I love it-- such deep truths about trusting in the resources He has for us. What a wonderful Savior we have.
I haven't put many picture up lately, and since the mountains were so wonderful, I'll put up a few from there!

there were beautiful flowers all over!

this is me and Sky. she was always ready to play-- this picture shows no different.
me with the amazing back drop!
view of the city from our hotel.