I have the best mom in the world. Not only is she talented, beautiful, funny, she is kind and thoughtful. This week I received a package she sent and it made my heart happy. I'm sure it was a nice, intact box when it left her site, but after I saw it, I'm praising Jesus that it made it over the ocean and to my little post office. Below are some pictures of the outside and what I found inside. Love you, mom!
what it looked like when i received it.
musta been a long journey.
all the way from Baton Rouge...

to me!!

goodies on the inside...

granola bars!!!

Praise the Lord for Community Coffee.

thanks mom!! sun comes up at 4:30ish and sometimes it bothers me!

paint brushes!

head lamp for when there is no power or we spend nights in the village.
** I have to give a shout out the the Hyatts-- Peter and Tanya, who sent me my first package. I think I was too excited to actually blog about it. Thanks again friends!