I don't know about you, but New Year's Eve is one of those holidays that is usually a hit or miss. Many a times I have spent it around a bonfire twirling sparklers wishing my hair and clothes didn't smell like smoke. Or, it seems there have been times with the right mix of people, food, and amazingness that you walk away thinking about how epic it was. This past was New Year's was the latter.
Two new girls had just arrived in the city for the holidays, and we were enjoying just having new company and other Americans around. We headed to a friend's flat, and I consumed my share of ritz crackers dipped in white chocolate, spinach dip(!), and whatever finger food was available. Downstairs some music was blasting (per usual), and there were a few Indians jamming out on the dance floor, so we all crammed on the balcony to watch the events unfold below. Any other night, I wouldn't have thought twice about going down there to join them, but I think we were all feeling the urge to mix it up a little bit and make the night interesting. We asked about the party below, and our friends told us we probably couldn't get in because it cost 600 rupees. We all decided to give it a go. It was the perfect time the play the "dumb, foreigner card". (Many times when I see things that I think are pointless, like bag checks at the grocery store or showing my boarding pass for the 37th time, I just ignore it and act like I don't know what is going on. Don't judge me till you've lived here.) So, we decided to just head in like we owned the place. I was first in the group, so I got in just fine, but the 2 girls at the back of our group got stopped and were told they needed a gate pass. We kinda acted clueless and just stood there trying to reason with the man. He said, "you wait just one minute." We figured he was pretty official because he had a badge and a walkie talkie. After a minute, he came back and very politely told us to enjoy ourselves. SCORE!
After looking around, we headed to the dance floor and laughed pretty much half the time we were out there. I did some of the stupidest, most ridiculous moves I could think of and when I ran out of those, I just started imitating everyone around me. I'm sure everyone pretty much thought we were awesome. :)
Here are some videos and a picture we took that night.

it's kind hard to see, but there is a little sikh guy that we laughed at the whole night. he is in the middle of the stage in white trying to pump the crowd up.
Two new girls had just arrived in the city for the holidays, and we were enjoying just having new company and other Americans around. We headed to a friend's flat, and I consumed my share of ritz crackers dipped in white chocolate, spinach dip(!), and whatever finger food was available. Downstairs some music was blasting (per usual), and there were a few Indians jamming out on the dance floor, so we all crammed on the balcony to watch the events unfold below. Any other night, I wouldn't have thought twice about going down there to join them, but I think we were all feeling the urge to mix it up a little bit and make the night interesting. We asked about the party below, and our friends told us we probably couldn't get in because it cost 600 rupees. We all decided to give it a go. It was the perfect time the play the "dumb, foreigner card". (Many times when I see things that I think are pointless, like bag checks at the grocery store or showing my boarding pass for the 37th time, I just ignore it and act like I don't know what is going on. Don't judge me till you've lived here.) So, we decided to just head in like we owned the place. I was first in the group, so I got in just fine, but the 2 girls at the back of our group got stopped and were told they needed a gate pass. We kinda acted clueless and just stood there trying to reason with the man. He said, "you wait just one minute." We figured he was pretty official because he had a badge and a walkie talkie. After a minute, he came back and very politely told us to enjoy ourselves. SCORE!
After looking around, we headed to the dance floor and laughed pretty much half the time we were out there. I did some of the stupidest, most ridiculous moves I could think of and when I ran out of those, I just started imitating everyone around me. I'm sure everyone pretty much thought we were awesome. :)
Here are some videos and a picture we took that night.
it's kind hard to see, but there is a little sikh guy that we laughed at the whole night. he is in the middle of the stage in white trying to pump the crowd up.