As a foreigner living in India, I am constantly fighting stereotypes. Believe it or not, we western white women (say that 5 times fast) don't always carry the best name in all the world. Well because believe it or not, people actually believe what they see on 'Sex and the City' or 'Desperate Housewives' or that lovely new Kardashian show that is now airing over here to be real life. India has a very conservative culture, especially when it comes to women and living here I have become increasingly aware of how junk nasty American TV can be.
Needless to say, I do love it when I get asked questions from Indians and have the chance to clear up the misconceptions. Like when I can say, "No, not everyone in America has to enlist in the military." Or, "No, not everyone in America is skinny." Or, "Yes, I cook, clean, and drive for myself. No one does it for me."
Recently, I was asked if people in America are close with their families. She said that she had heard (and seen in the movies) that people move out from their families and don't really care to see them much. This concept is pretty much blasphemy to the ears of Indians as usually the family is the smallest unit of individuality rather than in the west where we each have our individual identity. Many times in the village (and cities, too, I am guessing) the mother's decision has a lot of weight in who the bride will be for her son. The new bride will move into the house with the in-laws and everyone will live together under one roof.
To answer, I explained to her that most people do move out of the house when they go to college or get married, but it in no way reflects on our love for our families. Rather, we are just taught that independence comes with age. When you grow up, you gotta fend for yourself, ya heard?! I think I shed a little tear when I began to talk about how much I love my family. Dang, I miss them. As of today, it's been a year and 18 days since I've seen them. And in 2 more days, I'll board a plane, travel for 20 something hours and see their sweet beautiful faces again! I really don't know how I am going to make it all those hours on a plane. I'll post a picture that we took the January before I left.

Oh, and who can forget our crazy dog, Noel? She is wonderful and I miss her soft fur and snuggles. My sweet niece, Kate Olivia, has been born since I've been gone. From what I can tell, she is the most BEAUTIFUL baby and has the sweetest disposition. Here is proof:
Needless to say, I do love it when I get asked questions from Indians and have the chance to clear up the misconceptions. Like when I can say, "No, not everyone in America has to enlist in the military." Or, "No, not everyone in America is skinny." Or, "Yes, I cook, clean, and drive for myself. No one does it for me."
Recently, I was asked if people in America are close with their families. She said that she had heard (and seen in the movies) that people move out from their families and don't really care to see them much. This concept is pretty much blasphemy to the ears of Indians as usually the family is the smallest unit of individuality rather than in the west where we each have our individual identity. Many times in the village (and cities, too, I am guessing) the mother's decision has a lot of weight in who the bride will be for her son. The new bride will move into the house with the in-laws and everyone will live together under one roof.
To answer, I explained to her that most people do move out of the house when they go to college or get married, but it in no way reflects on our love for our families. Rather, we are just taught that independence comes with age. When you grow up, you gotta fend for yourself, ya heard?! I think I shed a little tear when I began to talk about how much I love my family. Dang, I miss them. As of today, it's been a year and 18 days since I've seen them. And in 2 more days, I'll board a plane, travel for 20 something hours and see their sweet beautiful faces again! I really don't know how I am going to make it all those hours on a plane. I'll post a picture that we took the January before I left.
Oh, and who can forget our crazy dog, Noel? She is wonderful and I miss her soft fur and snuggles. My sweet niece, Kate Olivia, has been born since I've been gone. From what I can tell, she is the most BEAUTIFUL baby and has the sweetest disposition. Here is proof: