Today is my 2 months anniversary in this country. The most time I've ever spent in a foreign country was 40 days, so from here on out is new territory for me. In ways, it is what I thought it would be, but in others it is not.
There is just no way to prepare yourself completely before moving to a foreign country. So much comes with a new culture-- new food, new way to eat food, new friends, new language, new clothes, new way to buy clothes, and new way to wash those clothes, new way to get around the city. Different values are put on time, money and even human life. I think the list can be endless. And honestly, after a while, some of this newness begins to wear on you. You begin to long for the familiar and do a little dance on the inside when you get to eat at Subway or KFC.
Amidst all the 'differentness' of this new culture, I'm reminded from Heb. 13-- that He is the same yesterday, today and forever. I'm learning about His faithfulness to me. I think it's easy to say, "God is faithful", and hear that He will be faithful to you, but actually believing it and standing on it can be hard work. Sometimes I question & doubt so much!
Along with His faithfulness, I think God is always calling me to a deeper trust in Him. I was laying in bed last night thinking about the concept of trust-- specifically trust in God. When I think of trust in a person, I think I almost equate it to loyalty. If a person can be trusted, they are reliable, loyal, able to be counted on, a safe bet to go with if you are in need. I think I need to toss the whole "safety" aspect of God. We all know the C.S. Lewis quote that says, "He is not safe, but He is good." And I agree. His words says He is a refuge for us, but that does not mean He will not push us into risk, unknown, or heartache if the outcome is that we are made more like His Son.
So, I say all that to say, I think it will be worth it. Pushing through the 'newness' of life, being sharpened in ways I never thought I needed, living in this crazy country where nothing reminds me of home will be worth it if I walk out of this experience clinging more closely to Jesus. He is it. He is all that works in my life--- and I'm so thankful for His grace to carry me along on this adventure.
June 14, 2010 at 10:21 AM
i respect you so much... i'm so glad for what God is doing in your life... and i love you!!!
June 14, 2010 at 11:01 PM
Audrey Marie-- i love you! i think you're the one and only reader of my blog. :) you are in my prs-- i know your transition is coming up soon. asking that it is a smooth one. thanks for the comment. ps. i had to look up scarlett ohara to see what she looks like, and i think we do have some resemblance. :)
June 15, 2010 at 4:28 PM
she isn't your only reader! i read them too karis! love the pictures you've included, so beautiful.
June 19, 2010 at 7:33 AM
annie!! so glad you read, too-- you gotta let me know when you come to this side of the world!