sunday afternoon

It's days like today when I love the city I live in. I blame it on the pleasant spring weather and the lazy Sunday afternoon feel that the streets get when the masses of people are inside rather than out. I'm coming to find that life is just lived out in front of you here. Whether good, bad, harsh or beautiful, it will be shoved in your way without your choosing most of the time. Life here is intense to say the least, but when you take time to slow down, look around you and peel back the layers, one finds beauty in the madness. I am beginning to see it. So, today I decided to bask in the afternoon sunlight and make some neighborhood friends. Here are a few pictures of what I saw...

drinking the afternoon chai.
the rickshaw walla told me these were called "picu"
my new street!
sari hanging out to dry.
probably broke some cultural norms but i made some friends and showed them their picture.
holding the "picu"
flowers hanging outside the local mosque.
he smiled for me!
fonky looking goat
yes, they actually want you to blow your horn!

2 Response to "sunday afternoon"

  1. chadSCHOON Says:

    These are beautiful! we pray for you all the time! Thank you so much for serving the people of India!

  2. Karis Says:

    thank you so much, chad! miss yall!

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